Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

Battle System

Battle System

Though superficially similar to the battle system of Ar tonelico, the battle system of Ar tonelico II has undergone many changes.
In Ar tonelico II there are two phases when fighting the enemy. Phase one is the Attack Phase. Characters can attack until the time gauge runs out as well as choose which magic for the Reyvateils to cast or decide when they should release it. Phase two is the Defend Phase. This is the enemies chance to attack your Reyvateil, you must protect her by timing defensive moves properly.

Other Systems

Dive - The Dive System is a system in the Ar tonelico series to let the player (Croix) look inside a Reyvateil's mind (Cosmosphere) and see her deep emotions, feelings and other things. It is also through this system that new Song Magic is crafted. Only β pure-blood Reyvateils and Third Generation Reyvateils will have a Cosmosphere. Some Reyvateils are strong enough to impact the storyline in their first Level Cosmospheres.
Replakia - Available after the Replekia event in Phase 1. The player must defeat the I.P.D.s and cure them via Dive Therapy in the Dive Shop. After fulfilling some additional requirements they will join Cloche's battalion making them available for use through Replekia. Replekia will increase the Burst gauge by a multiple of the total number of I.P.D.s that have joined Cloche, by way of allowing all these I.P.D.s to synchronize their hearts with Cloche.
Dualstall - Dualstall is a way the player can control the growth of Reyvateil's abilities. It is utilized by placing Dualithnode crystals in a bath. The position of the crystals is important in determining the outcome. The Reyvateils will then enter the bath alongside the crystals and various effects will occur depending on the crystal and position chosen.
Girl Power - Available after defeating an I.P.D. and completing the Luca Recovery Event in Phase 1, this is a method of customization somewhat like the Grathnode system from Ar tonelico. It is utilized by equipping an I.P.D. to a vanguard character on the equipment screen.
Synchronity Chain - Reyvateil's dual cast song magic which is significantly more powerful than normal song magic. After Phase two you will have this system, but you can not use it until Phase three (and until two Reyvateils of the party have 20% Sync Rate or better, this can be acquired through the Synchronization Talk Matters). This gives you unlimited time to charge up a song and attack with the front line characters, however the charged song will be released once the synchronization ends, and after that, the battle phases will return to normal

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